WU Campus


Paper accepted for publication

Paper accepted for publication

Paul Mayer's co-authored paper "Optimal Timing of Policy Interventions in Troubled Banks" has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Financial Intermediation.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

The paper "Investment Lumpiness and Equity Returns" (Zhou Ren, Lixing Wang and Youchang Wu) has been accepted for presentation at the EWMES 2024.

Welcome to our new student cohort of 2024!

Welcome to our new student cohort of 2024!

Meet our new students...

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

The paper "Cardinality Constraints Meet Large-scale Portfolio" (Yuan Chen, Bo Peng, Immanuel Bomze and Nikolaus Hautsch) has been accepted for presentation at the CFE-CMStatistics 2024.

VGSF Conference 2024

VGSF Conference 2024

The students presented their most recent research ideas and results at the annual VGSF conference.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

The paper "Extrapolative Beliefs, Strategic Complementarities, and Housing Booms" (Zhou Ren and Paul Mayer) has been accepted for presentation at the RBFC 2024.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

The paper "The DeFi Dilemma" has been accepted for presentation at two conferences.

David Lando to Teach Credit Risk Course at VGSF!

David Lando to Teach Credit Risk Course at VGSF!

David Lando (CBS) will be visiting the VGSF from June 3 to 7, 2024 to teach a course on Credit Risk.

Zhengyang Jiang to Teach International Finance Course at VGSF!

Zhengyang Jiang to Teach International Finance Course at VGSF!

Zhengyang Jiang (Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University) will be visiting the VGSF from May 28 to 30, 2024 to teach a course on International Finance.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

Markus Parlasca will present the paper “Voting and Trading on Proxy Advice” at the Financial Intermediation Research Society (FIRS) conference in Berlin, May 29-31, 2024.

Toni Whited to Teach Financial Econometrics Course at VGSF!

Toni Whited to Teach Financial Econometrics Course at VGSF!

Toni Whited (University of Michigan) will be visiting the VGSF from May 13 to 22, 2024 to teach a course on Financial Econometrics.

Tobin Hanspal and Clemens Wagner win the SIX Best Paper Award 2024

Tobin Hanspal and Clemens Wagner win the SIX Best Paper Award 2024

Tobin Hanspal's and Clemens Wagner's paper "Local Returns and Beliefs About the Stock Market" wins the prestigious prize at the SGF Conference.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

The paper "Inside debt, bonus caps, and risk raking in banks" has been accepted for presentation at two conferences.

Congratulations to Maximilian Schleritzko!

Congratulations to Maximilian Schleritzko!

Maximilian Schleritzko has earned the extraordinary distinction of graduating under the auspices of the Federal President of the Republic of Austria.

VGSF Graduation Ceremony 2023

VGSF Graduation Ceremony 2023

On December 21, 2023, the VGSF celebrated the Graduates of 2019-2023 at the 2023 VGSF Graduation Ceremony.

VGSF members receive WU Awards

VGSF members receive WU Awards

Congratulations to Tobin Hanspal and Christian Wagner!

VGSF receives doc.funds funding from the FWF

VGSF receives doc.funds funding from the FWF

VGSF receives doc.funds funding from the FWF for the next four years.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

The paper "The Effects of Europe’s 2020 Short Selling Bans on Securities Markets" (Bogdan Stankovski and Christian Westheide) has been accepted for presentation at the AFML 2023.

Paper accepted for publication

Paper accepted for publication

The paper "Bayesian Reconciliation of Return Predictability" has been accepted for publication in Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics.

Welcome to our new student cohort of 2023

Welcome to our new student cohort of 2023

Meet our new students...

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

Natalija Kostic will present the paper "Accounting Changes and Enforcement of Bank Capital Requirements in a Crisis" at various conferences in September, 2023.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

The paper "The Effects of Europe’s 2020 Short Selling Bans on Securities Markets" (Bogdan Stankovski and Christian Westheide) has been accepted for presentation at the 38th AWG.

VGSF Conference 2023

VGSF Conference 2023

The students presented their most recent research ideas and results at the annual VGSF conference.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

The paper "The political origin of credit cycle" has been accepted for presentation at the 2024 AFA Annual Meeting.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

The paper "Optimal timing of policy intervention in troubled banks" has been accepted for presentation at the DGF 2023.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

The paper "Extending the demand system approach to asset pricing" has been accepted for presentation at the DGF 2023.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

Natalija Kostic presented her paper "Inside Debt and Risk Taking in Banks" at the ERC Summer School, 2023.

Paper acccepted for presentation

Paper acccepted for presentation

Tobin Hanspal's and Clemens Wagner's paper "Local Returns and Beliefs about the Stock Market" has been accepted for presentation at the DGF.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

Viktoria Muthsam's paper "Early intervention, information acquisition, and lending" has been accepted for presentation at ERC Summer School in Paris.

Paper accepted for publication at Journal of Accounting & Economics

Paper accepted for publication at Journal of Accounting & Economics

Christians Laux' co-authored paper "Accounting Conservatism and Managerial Information Acquisition” has been accepted for publication.

Rational Reminder Podcast Episode with Felix Fattinger

Rational Reminder Podcast Episode with Felix Fattinger

Felix Fattinger dicusses the finding of his paper "Interest Rates, Competition, and Complexity: Demand and Supply of Retail Financial Products" on latest episode of the Rational Reminder Podcast.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

Dominik Walter's, Rüdiger Weber's and Patrick Weiss' paper "Non-Standard Errors in Portfolio Sorts" has been accepted to the EFA 2023.

Congratulations to Clemens Wagner

Congratulations to Clemens Wagner

Congratulations to Clemens Wagner on his excellent appointment!

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

Dominik Walter's, Rüdiger Weber's and Patrick Weiss' paper "Non-Standard Errors in Portfolio Sorts" has been accepted for presentation at the EFMA 2023.

Congratulations to Clemens Wagner!

Congratulations to Clemens Wagner!

Clemens Wagner successfully defended his PhD thesis.

Paper accepted for publication

Paper accepted for publication

Leopold Sögner's joint paper "Hunting for superstars" has been published.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

Otto Randl's and Josef Zechner's paper "Timing the factor zoo" has been accepted for presentation at the AFA Annual Meeting, 2024.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

Tanja Brieden will present her paper "Anything but Equity On Banks' Preference for Hybrid Debt" at the IRMC2023.

Congratulations to Maximilian Schleritzko!

Congratulations to Maximilian Schleritzko!

Maximilian Schleritzko successfully defended his PhD thesis.

Paper accepted for publication

Paper accepted for publication

Gyöngyi Lóránth's paper "Financing and Resolving Financial Conglomerates" has been accepted for presentation at the Fourth Conference on Financial Stability – Banco de España & CEMFI.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

Dominik Walter will present his paper „Is there a cash-flow timing premium?” at the AFFI 2023.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

Elizabeth Rinde will present her paper “Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the U.S. Corporate Bond Market” at the AFFI, 2023.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

Paul Mayer's paper "Optimal Timing of Policy Interventions in Troubled Banks” has been accepted for presentation at the 12th IBEO Workshop, 2023.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

Leopold Sögners paper "Retrieval from Mixed Sampling Frequency: Generic Identifiability in the Uni Root VAR" has been accepted for presentation at the ICEEE 2023.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

Zhou Ren's paper "Currency Mismatch Exposures and Exchange Rate Shock: Impact on the Bank Lending Channel" has been accepted for presentation at the EEA 2023.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

Viktoria Muthsam and Natalija Kostic will present their paper “Accounting Changes and Enforcement of Bank Capital Requirements in a Crisis” at four conferences

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

Tobin Hanspal's and Clemens Wagner's paper "Local Returns and Beliefs about the Stock Markets" has been accepted for presentation at the EFA 50th Annual Meeting.

Tobin Hanspal is WU researcher of the month

Tobin Hanspal is WU researcher of the month

The WU interviewed Tobin Hanspal on the topic "Educating Investors about Dividends".

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

Maximilian Schleritzko's paper “Revisiting Discount Rates: New Evidence from Surveys” has been accepted for the 11th Helsinki Finance Summit on Investor Behavior poster session, 2023.

Paper accepted for presentation and Brown Bag Seminar

Paper accepted for presentation and Brown Bag Seminar

VGSF faculty member Gyöngyi Loranth's joint paper "Voluntary support and ringfencing in cross-border banks" has been accepted for publication / Brown Bag Seminar on "Financing and Resolving Financial Conglomerates".

Markus Parlasca receives IQAM Research Center Best Discussant Prize at the EWFS 2023

Markus Parlasca receives IQAM Research Center Best Discussant Prize at the EWFS 2023

Markus Parlasca received the IQAM Research Center Best Discussant Prize at the European Winter Finance Summit (EWFS) 2023 for his discussion of "Dynamic Carbon Emission Management".

Congratulations to Maximilian Schleritzko!

Congratulations to Maximilian Schleritzko!

Congratulations to VGSF student Maximilian Schleritzko for his excellent appointment!

Paper accepted for publication by Empirica

Paper accepted for publication by Empirica

Leopold Sögner's joint paper "Financial and economic uncertainties and their effects on the economy" was accepted for publication at Empirica.

Seminars on

Seminars on "Financing and resolving banking groups"

Gyöngyi Lóránth gave two seminars on "Financing and resolving banking groups" at the University of Luxembourg and Banque de France.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

Zhou Ren will present his paper "Currency Mismatch Exposure and Exchange Rate Shock: Impact on the Bank lending channel" at the 12th International Conference of the FEBS from 1-4 June 2023.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

Leopold Sögner presented his paper "Dynamic Factor Models and Mixed Frequency Data" at the Hitec Meeting & Workshop on Complex Data in Econometrics and Statistics

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

Maximilian Schleritzko will present his paper “Revisiting Discount Rates: New Evidence from Surveys” at the Eastern Finance Association 2023.

VGSF faculty and affiliated faculty involved in the EWFS 2023

VGSF faculty and affiliated faculty involved in the EWFS 2023

VGSF faculty and affiliated faculty members at the European Winter Finance Summit 2023.

Paper is forthcoming in the Journal of Finance

Paper is forthcoming in the Journal of Finance

The paper “Non-Standard Errors” is forthcoming in the Journal of Finance

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

The paper "Pricing and Constructing International Government Bond Portfolios” has been accepted to the SFS Cavalcade North America 2023.

Meet our new student!

Meet our new student!

Meet our new student Tanja Brieden...

Congratulations to Patrick Weiss!

Congratulations to Patrick Weiss!

Since January 2023, Patrick Weiss is affiliated with Reykjavik University.

Papers accepted for presentation

Papers accepted for presentation

The papers "Asset Pricing In a World of Imperfect Foresight" and "Interest Rates, Competition, and Complexity: Demand and Supply of Retail Financial Products" have been accepted for presentation.

VGSF members receive WU Awards

VGSF members receive WU Awards

Congratulations to VGSF faculty members Christian Laux, Christian Wagner, and Josef Zechner / VGSF affiliated faculty member Tobin Hanspal / VGSF alumnus Patrick Weiß!

Nikolaus Hautsch elected Vice-Rector for Infrastructure at the University of Vienna

Nikolaus Hautsch elected Vice-Rector for Infrastructure at the University of Vienna

Nikolaus Hautsch has been elected Vice-Rector for Infrastructure at the University of Vienna.

Info Session 2022

Info Session 2022

We are here to answer all your questions about our PhD in Finance. Join us for the Info Session on December 6, 2022.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

Elizabeth Rinde will present her paper “Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the U.S. Corporate Bond Market” at the Paris Financial Management Conference from 19-21 December, 2022.

Paper accepted for publication

Paper accepted for publication

Zhou Ren will present his paper "The Political Origin of Credit Cycle" at the 16th CESifo from 25-26 November, 2022.

Meet our new student

Meet our new student

Meet our new student of 2022...

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

Maximilian Schleritzko will present his paper „Households’ Expectations of Returns on Gold” at the 6th HEC Paris Finance PhD Workshop on October 3rd, 2022.

A successful VGSF Conference

A successful VGSF Conference

The students presented their most recent research ideas and results at the annual VGSF Conference.

Congratulations to Alessandro Melone!

Congratulations to Alessandro Melone!

Alessandro Melone successfully defended his PhD thesis.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

Dominik Walter will present his joint paper „Is there an Equity Duration Premium?” at the DGF 2022 on September 30 in Marburg.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

The paper "Pricing and Constructing International Government Bond Portfolios” has been accepted to the JEF conference on September 23 at the University of Amsterdam Business School.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

Borys Koval's joint paper “Do Investors Care About Negative Returns?” will be presented at the 28th Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association (DGF) from September 29 – October 1.

Alexander Muermann is local organizer of the 49th Seminar of EGRIE

Alexander Muermann is local organizer of the 49th Seminar of EGRIE

VGSF Program Director Alexander Muermann is the local organizer of the 49th Seminar of the European Group of Risk and Insurance Economists (EGRIE), which will take...

VGSF speaker Josef Zechner has been elected chair of the European Finance Association (EFA)

VGSF speaker Josef Zechner has been elected chair of the European Finance Association (EFA)

Josef Zechner has been elected chair of the European Finance Association (EFA) for a three-year period starting in 2023 at the 49th annual meeting of EFA in Barcelona.

John A. Doukas Doctoral Best Paper Award for Alessandro Melone

John A. Doukas Doctoral Best Paper Award for Alessandro Melone

Former VGSF student Alessandro Melone won the John A. Doukas Doctoral Best Paper Award at the European Fincancial Management Association (EFMA) annual meeting 2022

Episode with Tobin Hanspal for Rational Reminder Podcast

Episode with Tobin Hanspal for Rational Reminder Podcast

Congratulations to affiliated faculty member Tobin Hanspal, who was a guest on the podcast “Rational Reminder” to discuss his recent research

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

Maximilian Schleritzko will be presenting the paper "Deciphering Monetary Policy Shocks" at the EEA-ESEM in Milan in August 2022

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

Borys Koval will present his paper "Bayesian reconciliation of the return predictability" at the 5th Vienna Workshop on High Dimensional Time Series in Macroeconomics and Finance in June 2022

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

The paper "Interest Rates, Competition, and Complexity: Demand and Supply of Retail Financial Products" will be presented at three different conferences

Brown Bag Seminar with Giorgio Ottonello

Brown Bag Seminar with Giorgio Ottonello

Giorgio Ottonello will give a presentation on the topic "Bank connections and firms' access to the bond market" as part of the Finance Brown Bag Seminar.

Welcome Larry Blume

Welcome Larry Blume

Welcome to Larry Blume (Cornell University) who will join VGSF as visiting Faculty to teach Game Theory.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

Alessandro Melone´s paper "Macro Trends and Factor Timing" will be presented at the SoFiE 2022 annual meeting in June 2022

Welcome Maria Kosolapova

Welcome Maria Kosolapova

Maria Kosolapova (Free University of Bozen-Bolzano) joins the VGSF as visiting student for one semester

Congratulations to Alessandro Melone

Congratulations to Alessandro Melone

Alessandro Melone will join The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business

Christian Laux is WU researcher of the month

Christian Laux is WU researcher of the month

WU interviewed Laux on the topic "Did banks underreport losses and delay disclosures during the financial crisis?"

VGSF faculty members receive WU Awards

VGSF faculty members receive WU Awards

Congratulations to Rüdiger Frey, Christian Wagner, Rüdiger Weber and Josef Zechner

Info Session 2021

Info Session 2021

We are here to answer all your questions about our PhD in Finance. Join us for the Info Session on December 9, 2021.

Papers accepted for publication

Papers accepted for publication

Tobin Hanspal’s papers "Consuming Dividends" and "The Characteristics and Portfolio Behavior of Bitcoin Investors: Evidence from Indirect Cryptocurrency Investments" have been accepted for publication

WU Best Paper Award 2021 for Rüdiger Frey

WU Best Paper Award 2021 for Rüdiger Frey

The WU Best Paper Award of the City of Vienna 2021 honors VGSF faculty member Rüdiger Frey, Kevin Kurt and Camilla Damian for their successful publication

Meet our new students

Meet our new students

We are very happy to introduce the new VGSF-fellows: Florian Weinlich, Aron Bodisz, Yuan Chen and Elizabeth Rinde. Welcome!

A successful VGSF Conference

A successful VGSF Conference

The students presented their most recent research ideas and results at the annual VGSF Conference

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

The paper 'Optimal Timing of Policy Interventions in Troubled Banks' will be presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association (DGF) and at the 10th Workshop Banks and Financial Markets

Papers accepted for presentation

Papers accepted for presentation

The papers 'Stock-Oil Comovement: Fundamentals or Financialization' and 'Factor Models with Drifting Prices' will be presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association (DGF)

Paper accepted for publication by the Journal of Finance

Paper accepted for publication by the Journal of Finance

Christian Wagner’s paper “Debt refinancing and equity returns” has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Finance

Congratulations to Patrick Weiß!

Congratulations to Patrick Weiß!

Patrick Weiß successfully defended his PhD thesis

Papers accepted for presentation

Papers accepted for presentation

The papers 'Stock-Oil Comovement: Fundamentals or Financialization' and 'Factor Models with Drifting Prices' will be presented at the FMA 2021 annual meeting

Josef Zechner as Distinguished Speaker at the Annual Conference of the Western Finance Association

Josef Zechner as Distinguished Speaker at the Annual Conference of the Western Finance Association

Josef Zechner will deliver the Distinguished Speech at the 56th Annual Conference of the Western Finance Association

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

Alessandro Melone´s paper 'Factor Models with Drifting Prices' will be presented at the NFA annual meeting in September 2021.

Paper accepted for publication by the Journal of Financial Economics

Paper accepted for publication by the Journal of Financial Economics

Christian Laux’ paper “Accounting for Financial Stability: Bank Disclosure and Loss Recognition in the Financial Crisis” has been accepted for publication by the Journal of Financial Economics.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

The paper 'Stock-Oil Comovement: Fundamentals or Financialization' will be presented at the 2022 AFA Annual Meeting in January 2022

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

Alessandro Melone´s paper 'Factor Models with Drifting Prices' will be presented at the Thirteen Annual SoFiE Conference in June 2021.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

Alessandro Melone´s paper 'Monetary Policy and Bond Prices with Drifting Equilibrium Rates and Diagnostic Expectations' will be presented at the 2021 International Association for Applied Econometrics (IAAE) Annual Conference in June 2021.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

The paper 'Stock-Oil Comovement: Fundamentals or Financialization' will be presented at the Commodity and Energy Markets Association (CEMA) Annual Meeting in June 2021.

Paper accepted for publication by Management Science

Paper accepted for publication by Management Science

Christian Wagner’s paper “Exchange Rates and Sovereign Risk” has been accepted for publication by the journal Management Science.

In Memory of Tomas Björk (1947 - 2021)

In Memory of Tomas Björk (1947 - 2021)

The VGSF community expresses its deep sadness that Tomas Björk has passed away in late January.

Paper is forthcoming in the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

Paper is forthcoming in the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis

VGSF faculty member Tobin Hanspal’s paper is forthcoming in the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (JFQA).

Paper presented at CFE 2020

Paper presented at CFE 2020

Borys Koval presented his paper “Bayesian reconciliation of the return predictability” at the 14th CFE 2020 in December 2020.

Paper accepted for presentation

Paper accepted for presentation

The paper "Extrapolative Beliefs, Strategic Complementarities, and Housing Booms" (Zhou Ren and Paul Mayer) has been accepted for presentation at the RBFC 2024.