Margarethe Rammerstorfer

Prof. of Finance and Impact Investments
WU Vienna - Department for Finance, Accounting and Statistics
Research Interests
Energy Finance, Alternative Investments, Financial Sustainability
Selected Publications
- Hummel, Katrin, Mittelbach-Hörmanseder, Stéphanie, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe. 2021. The information content of corporate social responsibility disclosure in Europe: an institutional perspective. European Accounting Review. 30 (2), 309-348.
- Rammerstorfer, Margarethe, Bressan, Silvia, Weinmayer, Karl. 2020. Internal Capital Markets and Bank Holding Company Efficiency. Review of Financial Economics.
- Gasser, Stephan, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe, Weinmayer, Karl. 2017. Markowitz Revisited Social Portfolio Engineering. European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR) 258 (3), 1181-1190.
- Kremser, Thomas, Rammerstorfer Margarethe. 2016, The Convenience Yield Implied in the European Natural Gas Markets – The Impact of Storage and Weather, Journal of Energy Markets, 9 (3), 27-58.
- Gasser, Stephan, Bogner, Stephan, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe. 2015, M&As in European and north American energy markets. Journal of Competition Law and Economics.
- Dockner, Engelbert J., Zehra Eksi, and Margarethe Rammerstorfer. 2014, A Convenience Yield Approximation Model for Mean‐Reverting Commodities. Journal of Futures Markets.
- Gugler, Klaus, Schmitt, Stephan, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe. 2013. Ownership unbundling and investment in electricity markets—A cross country study, Energy Economics, Vol. 40, pp. 702-713.
- Kucsera, Denes, Dockner, Engelbert, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe. 2013. Investment, firm value, and risk for a system operator balancing energy grids. Energy Economics, Vol. 37, pp. 182-192. 5-year Impact Factor: 3,521,
- Rammerstorfer, Margarethe, Hochradl, Markus. 2012. Natural Gas Hubs – An Approximation for Convenience Yields implied in European natural gas hub trading, Journal of Futures Markets, Vol. 32 (5), pp. 459–479.
- Growitsch, Christian, Rammerstorfer, Margarethe, Nicole Steinat. 2010. Preventing innovative cooperations: the legal exemptions unintended side effect, European Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 33 (1), pp. 1-22. 5-year Impact Factor: 0,333 ; SJR: Q2.