Tobin Hanspal

Associate Professor of Finance
WU Vienna - Department for Finance, Accounting and Statistics
Research Interests
Behavioral Finance, Household Finance
Selected Publications
- Participation and Losses in Multi-Level Marketing: Evidence from an FTC Settlement– with Claes Bäckman. Financial Planning Review (2022).
- Political Corruption, Trust, and Household Stock Market Participation– with Di Bu and Yin Liao. Journal of Banking and Finance (2022).
- Consuming Dividends– with Konstantin Bräuer and Andreas Hackethal. Review of Financial Studies (2022).
- The Characteristics and Portfolio Behavior of Bitcoin Investors: Evidence from Indirect Cryptocurrency Investments– with Dominique M. Lammer, Andreas Hackethal, and Kevin Rink. Review of Finance (2021).
- Cultivating Self-Control in FinTech: Evidence from a Field Experiment on Online Consumer Borrowing– with Di Bu, Yin Liao, and Yong Liu. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis (2021).
- Exposure to the COVID-19 Stock Market Crash and its Effect on Household Expectations– with Annika Weber and Johannes Wohlfart. Review of Economics and Statistics (2021).
- Once Bitten, Twice Shy: The Power of Personal Experiences in Risk Taking– with Steffen Andersen and Kasper Meisner Nielsen. Journal of Financial Economics (2019).